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K-12math.info simplifies searches.

K-12math.info exists to help anyone “… to help a 7 year old (second grader) to add whole numbers” . Be they classmates, parents of, teacher of, school content coordinator, reference librarians, materials developer, curriculum designers, undergraduates and graduate students who are preparing to help.

In this information age, how can we improve the way to help those who help that 7 year old so that their learning opportunity will not be lost?

www.K-12math.info has redesigned the approach to finding information. K-12math.info focuses only on the terms and resources that the learner needs to be successful in mathematics. A simple to use [no typing needed] user interface to accelerate searches is used. Information is displayed in a “calendar style” format with over a 1,000 "months" of information on commercial, OER and Open Access elementary and secondary school mathematics information. This easy to use index provides page numbers on over 200 commercial textbooks and over 6 500+ links [March 2020] to OER and Open Access resources (like Singapore Math, Bangladesh Mathematics, Houghton Mifflin, McGraw-Hill, CK-12, Khan Academy, A+ Click, India's NCERT,South Africa's Ukuqonda Math and others have been cataloged).

The past: The seed for K-12math.info was planted while helping in a materials development project in Thailand in 1969/70. In the 1970-80’s several volumes of a multilingual paper edition were developed and distributed by Mathematics Information System (MathIS). From 1986-1989 Kinkos handling the floppy disk distribution of the information system along with MathIS. In August of 2005 K-12math.info went live on the Internet to better serve the global learning community. The sustaining effort continues.

Comments on the 1000 terms used in K-12math.info:
1. The list of terms in K-12math.info has not changed in 45 years.
2. No list of terms is complete. But K-12math.info’s list provides enough reference points to aid in research and development of new materials.
3. No developer of elementary and secondary school math has or needs to use all 1,000 terms to have a successful program. A learning community determines what its content needs are.
4. K-12math.info has shown that while content and its distribution change very slowly, the mode of presentation is changing frequently A learning community determines its' needs and the best way to achieve them. [For example in the United States: "new math" of the 1960's/70's;"Back to Basics"; "Standards"; "Common Core", and more to come in the future]
5. Terms are grouped under headings to help in searching for them. And in some cases do not reflect the way the authors of materials group the terms.

The future: Will k-12math.info be used in artificial intelligence applications?
YES, using the 1 000 terms the learner is expected to use and the 1 000 plus spreadsheets available in k-12math.info would provide a memory map that could be used in an AI device! Also patterns not only of what age a learner will be when learning a term, but also patterns of content development.
To help anything “… to help a 7 year old (second grader) to add whole numbers”.

©1972 (paper), 1985 (APPLE II/PC), 2005(www), 2020 Jim Kelly - All Rights Reserved.